Laser & Light sources


JDSU direct-diode laser products provide up to 180 watts output at 940 nm with 600 µm fiber delivery


The JDSU Q Series lasers are Q-switched diode-pumped UV and green lasers which are used for high-pulse-energy processing of materials such as ceramics, high-repetition-rate processing of materials such as sapphire or silicon.

Single Frequency Laser Diodes from Photodigm, Wavelengths, and Packages 730 nm to 1090 nm Laser Diode.

JDSU solid-state laser can be used for fiber optic sensors, coherent communications, remote antenna connections, optical heterodyne techniques, lidar, sonar and passive oscillators.

The SL1 Fiber Optic Light Source for VIS - NIR applications allows one sample per fiber to be illuminated.


The Q-Switched Series breakthrough technology enables optimum performance with the lowest power consumption available.


The CNI series cw diode lasers are available with nearly all commercial available wavelengths.