Lab and production measurement technology

Mit der PPMD Quelle -1000 ist es erstmals möglich, deterministisch und mit hoher Auflösung PMD-Werte erster Ordnung bis 180 ps und zweiter Ordnung bis 8100 ps2 zu erzeugen.

The Distributed Polarisation Crosstalk Analyser from General Photonics is a white light interferometer that allows spatially resolved information to be obtained on the mechanical stress of a PM fiber.
The DOP-201 measures and displays the Degree of Polarization (DOP) of a light source in real time with high accuracy and wide dynamic range.

InsideView(TM) is an optical coherence domain reflectometer (OCDR- 1000) designed to obtain space-resolved reflection information inside a fiber optical component, such as a Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC), for diagnosing quality or design issues.