Lab and production measurement technology


PMD and PDL are important considerations in many applications, especially high data-rate communications. With the development of high precision test equipment and tighter-tolerance systems, a need has arisen for extremely precise calibration standards.
General Photonics phase shifter produces phase shifts up to 15 pi at modulation frequencies from DC to 20 kHz.


GPCs’ 2nd generation all fiber phase shifter/modulator provides phase shifts up to 65π with a much lower half-wave voltage (~2 volts as compared with 10-20 volts for the 1st generation phase shifter) at frequencies from DC to 20 kHz

These standard EDFAs feature high output power, high gain with very low noise, and they can be customized to accommodate a wide range of input signal levels. Customized version are available on request.


Multichannel DWDM C or L-Band EDFA in compact Benchtop or in 19” Rackmount Case for amplifications up to 27 oder 30 dBm output power.