Amonics 1550nm Continuous Wave Amplifier
These standard EDFAs feature high output power, high gain with very low noise, and they can be customized to accommodate a wide range of input signal levels. Customized version are available on request.
Amonics 1550nm CW Pre-Amps, Inline, Booster amplifier
Pre-Amp, Inline- and Booster amplifiers for Laboratory and Production Test applications.
Amonics 1550nm CW Amplifier for C+L-Band
The Single-Wavelength C+L-Band Amplifier are availabe in a compact benchtop or 19” rack mount case.
DWDM-EDFAs C-Band / L-Band
Multichannel DWDM C or L-Band EDFA in compact Benchtop or in 19” Rackmount Case for amplifications up to 27 oder 30 dBm output power.
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