Fiber Optics
1,25 Gb/s 1550 nm FP TO-Can Laser
Polish Disc
When hand polishing fiber optic connectors, you can't afford to leave anything to chance. These Fiber Optic Hand Polishing Discs, or hockey pucks as some installers call them, enable you to achieve quality endface finishes and consistent results time after time.
Polish Film
Fiber optic polishing films improve the optical performance of your connectors and reduce costs!
SMX-Manta Fiber Inspection Probe
The SMX-Manta Microscope is used for MPO/MTP and Singel Fiber connectors for field and lab applications
SMX-Manta-W+ Fiber Inspection Probe
The SMX Manta-W+ Microscope is used for MPO/MTP and Singel Fiber connectors for field and lab applications
Multifunction polarization controller
The multifunction polarization controller MPC-201 has four operating modes for complete control of the polarization.
Polarisations-Stabilisator PolaStay
The PolaMight (MPC-202) is an advanced Multifunction Polarization Controller specially designed to meet the requirements of coherent receiver performance tests.
Polarization Extinction Ratio Meter
The ERM-202 is a dual channel polarization extinction ratio (PER) meter specifically designed to simultaneously measure the PER and power ratio of a device with two polarization maintaining (PM) outputs, such as a Y-branch fiber gyro IOC, PM coupler (PMC), or polarization beam splitter (PBS), as well as evaluate the performance (output DOP) of depolarizers.
Distributed Polarization Crosstalk A.
Polarization Measurement System
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Laser Beam Profiler WinCamD-LCM
This laser beam profiler features a CMOS sensor that guarantees frame rates of up to 60 Hz with high dynamics and is suitable for large beam diameters up to 11 mm.
2-16 micron Laser Beam Analyzer
The beam analysis camera WinCamD-IR-BB with integrated microbolometer array enables analyzes on long-wave lasers in the range of 2 μm to 16 μm.
Laser Beam Profiler WinCamD-QD-1550
DataRay's ILM system is used for beam profile monitoring of high power lasers consisting of an attenuator for high powers, an imaging lens system and a camera system. The measurement of very small laser beams with diameters of less than micrometers is possible despite often high laser powers.
M2 Option for WinCamD
A main feature of the WinCamD is the optional M2 Stage. Thus, it can be easily extended to a complete M2 measurement system.