Fiber Optics


PMD and PDL are important considerations in many applications, especially high data-rate communications. With the development of high precision test equipment and tighter-tolerance systems, a need has arisen for extremely precise calibration standards.

A suite of advanced polarization test instruments specially designed for testing the quality of fiber coils ensures the consistent production of high performance coils. GPCs' PM coils can be wound with different winding patterns such as quadrupole, octupole, or other types to minimize the Shupe effect, which degrades the performance of a fiber gyro under temperature-varying conditions.


The Faraday rotator mirror is a fiber optic polarization rotation mirror designed for fiber optic networks and measurement applications. The state of polarization (SOP) of the reflected light is rotated 90 degrees from that of the input light.


These isolators are the smallest in size but the highest in quality in the market. They are ruggedly built to function reliably in a wide variety of environments.

InsideView(TM) is an optical coherence domain reflectometer (OCDR- 1000) designed to obtain space-resolved reflection information inside a fiber optical component, such as a Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC), for diagnosing quality or design issues.

The reliable and robust precision polishing machine OFL15 from Seikoh Giken enables the polishing of fiber optic plugs (up to 24 pieces in one go) and fiber arrays with touch panel operation.


Precision polishing machine (desktop unit) for a small product or prototype connector.